by Paul Muller | Design, Geek
When you plan on blowing up a nice looking car, you would hope Hollywood would take a step back and consider if it was worth it. And when that nice looking car is an extremely rare Aston Marton DB 5, you think they would take more than a step back. Possibly even...
by Paul Muller | GameRoom, Review
When you run a video game sports franchise and you update your title every year you run the risk of falling flat. And of getting complacent. You really can’t put the folks over at 2k into this camp. With the latest edition of NBA 2k13 they have done anything but...
by Paul Muller | GameRoom
So the time has come to pregame for yet another CaffiNation Video game review. Up this time is XCOM Enemy Unknown. A turn based strategy game. This game is literally insane. The level of detail built into the game mechanics alone let it shine. From desructable walls,...
by Paul Muller | Design, Geek
Yeah… I give up for next year already. This is a real live, or carved pumpkin. That plays Tetris via the stem . This blows my mind. And it just play awesome to boot. Now if we can get one to play mario… Now that would one up this… nothing less. Come...