OOh YEaahh! Coffee!

OOh YEaahh! Coffee!

A little Kool Aid homage never hurt anyone, and the image of the red glass decanter bursting through the wall into a suprised rooms is very well known. While this shirt is awesome, it would have been epic if the pot was bursting into… say a starbucks…...
Why Lego is Awesome

Why Lego is Awesome

LEGO is a fun company, that happens to make one of the best toys you can buy to bring out a kid’s imagination. One of the most intimate joys I have had as a dad so far is watching my kids create something out of nothing with Lego. Watching their little eyebrows...
Shane Confectionery

Shane Confectionery

Deep in the heart of Olde City in Philadelphia a gem awaits.  Shane Confectionery. The site has been used as a candy store and had housed confectioners on Premise since 1863.  s but had fallen into  disrepair   Enter the fine fellows who happen to run yet another...
A geeky Christmas to All

A geeky Christmas to All

With Darth Vader and Gandalf topping my tree i wanted to wish everyone a happy and safe Christmas. I know the season can be rough on humans and elves alike, just look what it did to poor Harry the elf, but i hope you find nothing but smiles and warm wishes in your...