Haute Coffee

Haute Coffee

Haute Coffee: For when the fancy gets to be too much. I’m all for a nice tasty beverage as fancy as you like it. But some people take it to the extreme with directions, additives and instructions on the construction of the drink. When in reality all everyone...


I could wax poetic about the struggles on an online world. But seriously stop reading and go to  Bombermine.com.    It’s a massive 1000 person continuously looping and changing Bomberman cluster-youknowhat. Imagine playing Bomberman, with all the bells and...
Sesame Celebrates 1 Billion

Sesame Celebrates 1 Billion

Even if you don’t have kids Sesame Street  probably  played a big part of your childhood, or the childhood of kids and people you know. The Count has always been one of my favorites, maybe it was my dad’s spot on impression, maybe it was the secret...
CaffiNation Reviews: Regular Coffee

CaffiNation Reviews: Regular Coffee

So what does modern coffee have the annoys normal people? I’m talking about the average person who buys their coffee from the supermarket, and doesn’t have 30 minutes to decipher the most expensive and pompous order from a certain coffee chain? I’ll...