by Paul Muller | Design, Geek
Picture this robotic snakes swimming around ridding the water of heavy metals (cue wyld stallyns music) Powered by bacteria, fueled by all the good vibes of the world these automated robotic horrors swim around absorbing heavy metal particulate matter, keeping...
by Paul Muller | Design, Geek
Eclectic Method has mixed up fanciful clips of hackers from movies into this fun little tune. I love how hackers in general are usually portrayed in the movies from Hacking the Gibson, to Shall we play a game there are some hilariously awesome flicks in this montage....
by Paul Muller | Design, Food n Coffee
When you’re not just Late you’re Lattè! We have all done the math, justified the time it takes stopping for coffee is made up by productive results after consuming. But do you know the other side of the coin? The poor people who rage as you stroll your...
by Paul Muller | Design, Food n Coffee
Cafenoia: That sickening feeling that things are not as they should be. Everyone has that well meaning and caffeine sensitive relative that likes to dope the family all up on that filthy placebo decaf. Sure they have their reasons, and yes their intentions are...