Where have we been?

Where have we been?

Hey out there, everyone! It has been a long time, and a lot of coffee has passed these lips since the website was regularly updated and the podcast was ended. I think it is time for a new leaf to be turned over. I miss doing the show, and I miss being able to share...
Coffee doodle: para coffee

Coffee doodle: para coffee

We have all been there, either on vacation or in some remote office where your good coffee has run out. And you sit there staring down the barrel of a cup of almost coffee. All the planning in the world can’t fix fate. So you man or woman up and drink the...
Vacation coffee

Vacation coffee

Nothing is more relaxing than sitting in a balcony on vacation sipping a steaming cup of fresh coffee. But you have to be prepared. This is what you will find in your room…. If you are lucky. A tiny personal, hopefully clean way to make pre prepared coffee...
Coffee Origins

Coffee Origins

You would think a few tidbits about coffee would be common knowledge. It is the second most popular beverage in the world after water, and it is also the second most traded item after oil. So it keeps us running and hydrated to a large extent. But most people...