CaffiNation 556: Holiday Eats
Tonight's show is all about holiday food and coffee. Right before the madness of the holiday season truly takes over why not allow the back end of the show to take the forward section for once? The back half of the show is devoted to one of my favorite subjects...

CaffiNation 555: Holidaze
Tonight's show is about a day late and a dollar short. But that doesn't mean it is baked with any less love. The show must go on! But in all seriousness, we take the two polar opposites of attention span TV and heavy reading and throw them into the show. You have...

CaffiNation 554: Leftovers!
Tonights show is all about leftovers. The good food for thought that has been kept safe and sound for an extra week. Doing the show on wednesdays sometimes interferes with real life, or real life gets in the way of the show. This time we had a major backlog in the...

CaffiNation 553: Death of a legend
This started out as a very different show. And then a Legend passed away. Stan "The Man" Lee, co-father of the Marvel universe died at the age of 95 this past Monday. I tried to do honor to the man in a quick sketch. To be honest, though no single tribute could ever...

CaffiNation 552: Spooky Eats
One of the challenges of the Halloween episodes are finding new and exciting stories, making sure that the content is always steaming and fresh. So what better way to do that then a spooky show filled to the brim with delectable haunted goodies. On tonight's...

Host / Taste Tester
A geek with a heart as black as the coffee he drinks. He is the one who stops and thinks,
Has the skills to convey the thrills of mad linguistic trills and spills. Internet personality extraordinary, call him anything but ordinary.
He breaks down the news of the day into bite-sized pieces for your ears to chew on.